Ripped off in Rome

If something looks too good to be true ......

I’m Inter-Railing through Europe and although I had been somewhat nervy a few weeks earlier at the start of this trip, being my first ever adventure away from home, I was starting to feel a bit more relaxed about this whole backpacking business. I’m in Rome with my then girlfriend Karen and we’re towards the […]

Near Death Event No.2 – Bali drowning

Busty blondes, booze and rip tides - a disaster waiting to happen

I’m on the Indonesian party island of Bali, having just come back from a few days island hopping to the east.   It’s nice to be back in the relative comfort of Bali, which to me at the moment seems like New York compared to the very remote towns and villages I’ve just come back […]

Near Death Event No.1 – Kashmir bomb

Listen to the locals!

I’m at the end of my one month tour of northern India and as it’s going so well that I’ve decided to finish the trip off with a short visit to the beautiful and relatively unexplored far north of India called Kashmir. In particular I’m hoping to see the wonderful, old houseboats on the Dal […]