Sex on the beach …..

.... I think we're alone nooooow

It would appear to be a common theme that my stories seem to involve me either getting laid or nearly dying. Two extremes you’d have to say. And unfortunately on balance I’d have to say there appears to be a lot more death going on than sex. Anyway, I’m 4 months into my mission to […]

Blood on the piste

How not to settle your nerves .....

I’ve just recently moved to Sweden to be with my Finnish girlfriend, Tanja. We’re living in Gothenburg on the west coast and oddly enough, other than Tanja, one of my best friends in Sweden is actually her ex-boyfriend, Nils. Even more strange is the fact I was supposed to be best man at their wedding, […]

Near Death Event No.4

Intruder in my room!

I’m about 3 months into my pole-to-pole journey of the Americas, with the plan to get from Alaska all the way down to the southern tip of South America. I’m currently travelling through Mexico on the way south to the Guatemalan border, well aware that I am getting further and further away from the normal […]

Greek tragedy

Last night on Paros

It’s the last night of a beautifully relaxing, two week holiday on the Greek island of Paros. We’ve spent the last fortnight just taking it easy, spending our days flitting between various laid-back beaches around the island, eating some amazing, healthy food and then the odd beer or two in the evenings with various local […]

Lost in the Andes

How can you miss Machu Picchu?!?!

I’m high in the Peruvian Andes in South America. Cusco to be precise. I’ve just arrived having survived one of the longest and most treacherous bus rides I’ve ever taken, having left Lima about 36 hours earlier. I could have flown here for about $50 but I decided to save a few quid by taking […]

Near Death Event No.3 – Car crash in South Africa

A lesson in how quick your life can change

I’m on holiday in South Africa and I’ve hired a car to take me on a three-week triangular route around the southern tip of the country. Starting in Cape Town I’ll travel east along the coast road known as the Garden Route, then up into the Little Karroo and finally back down again into Cape […]

Stuck on Table Mountain

... with my pants down .....!!

I’m on top of the woooorld! Emotionally anyway. Physically I’m almost at the bottom of the world having just landed in Jo’burg in South Africa. It’s the 19th December and I’ve just flown all the way from Cairo with Egypt Air using a fake student ID I had acquired in order to get me a […]

Ripped off in Rome

If something looks too good to be true ......

I’m Inter-Railing through Europe and although I had been somewhat nervy a few weeks earlier at the start of this trip, being my first ever adventure away from home, I was starting to feel a bit more relaxed about this whole backpacking business. I’m in Rome with my then girlfriend Karen and we’re towards the […]

The Casio VDB1000

The telepathic watch ....

I’m about to leave on my first ever backpack trip and my boss has decided to give me a leaving present; a watch. It’s not just any old watch though, it’s a real beauty actually. Now remember, this is the early 1990’s, years before people had mobile phones, email addresses or even used the internet. […]