Blood on the piste

How not to settle your nerves .....

I’ve just recently moved to Sweden to be with my Finnish girlfriend, Tanja. We’re living in Gothenburg on the west coast and oddly enough, other than Tanja, one of my best friends in Sweden is actually her ex-boyfriend, Nils. Even more strange is the fact I was supposed to be best man at their wedding, […]

Greek tragedy

Last night on Paros

It’s the last night of a beautifully relaxing, two week holiday on the Greek island of Paros. We’ve spent the last fortnight just taking it easy, spending our days flitting between various laid-back beaches around the island, eating some amazing, healthy food and then the odd beer or two in the evenings with various local […]

Ripped off in Rome

If something looks too good to be true ......

I’m Inter-Railing through Europe and although I had been somewhat nervy a few weeks earlier at the start of this trip, being my first ever adventure away from home, I was starting to feel a bit more relaxed about this whole backpacking business. I’m in Rome with my then girlfriend Karen and we’re towards the […]

Turkish delight

Faith in mankind restored

Anyone who has been to Turkey will know that any tourist walking through the street is likely to be befriended at some point by someone selling rugs, or killens as they’re called in Turkey, and this particular evening was no different for me in Antalya, on the Turkish Mediterranean coast. By now I had become […]