Near Death Event No.3 – Car crash in South Africa

A lesson in how quick your life can change

I’m on holiday in South Africa and I’ve hired a car to take me on a three-week triangular route around the southern tip of the country. Starting in Cape Town I’ll travel east along the coast road known as the Garden Route, then up into the Little Karroo and finally back down again into Cape […]

Stuck on Table Mountain

... with my pants down .....!!

I’m on top of the woooorld! Emotionally anyway. Physically I’m almost at the bottom of the world having just landed in Jo’burg in South Africa. It’s the 19th December and I’ve just flown all the way from Cairo with Egypt Air using a fake student ID I had acquired in order to get me a […]

Uganda – Day 9

I’m not sure how you compete with the excellent day we had yesterday, but waking up to breakfast overlooking Lake Mutanda is a pretty good way to start. As beautiful as it is around here however it was once again time to move on. This time we are moving to the larger and more frequently […]

Uganda – Day 8

This is it …. the big day. The whole reason we’re on this trip this year …. to see the gorillas. Mountain gorillas are one of the world’s most endangered species having been hunted to near extinction over the years as well as losing their natural habitat due to mankind. With numbers now in their […]

Uganda – Day 7

What a surprise …. up at the crack of dawn for an early breakfast and once again checking out. We really enjoyed Enjojo, could have easily stayed there another night, but time to move on ….. closer and closer to our goal for the whole trip ….. the gorillas! We started the day with another […]

Uganda – Day 6

Once again we were up nice and early, fed, watered and throwing our bags in the jeep before 7am. The aim today was to drive south to the Ishasha part of the National Park. This area is famous for it’s tree-climbing lions. We’d actually been very lucky having seen lions in the cactus tree 2 […]

Ripped off in Rome

If something looks too good to be true ......

I’m Inter-Railing through Europe and although I had been somewhat nervy a few weeks earlier at the start of this trip, being my first ever adventure away from home, I was starting to feel a bit more relaxed about this whole backpacking business. I’m in Rome with my then girlfriend Karen and we’re towards the […]

Uganda – Day 5

Once again we were up bright and breezy for a looong game drive in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Sometimes the game drive Gods are just not with you and today was one of those days, so by midday we cut our losses and headed towards a nice picnic area on the edge of Lake Edward […]

Uganda – Day 4

Before leaving Isunga Lodge today I got out my drone and tried to take some footage around this place. It truly has an awesome location and I wanted to try and catch that if possible in a few sweeping shots around the gardens and terrace. I’ve only had this thing for about a year now, […]

Uganda – Day 3

It’s an early start indeed with a 5am alarm waking us to the first birdsong of the day. Today we’re trekking chimpanzees! We’ve been warned that it’s not for the faint hearted and although the activity is booked for the whole day with the local guides its pretty much unheard of that anyone lasts longer […]