Uganda – Day 6

Once again we were up nice and early, fed, watered and throwing our bags in the jeep before 7am.

The aim today was to drive south to the Ishasha part of the National Park. This area is famous for it’s tree-climbing lions. We’d actually been very lucky having seen lions in the cactus tree 2 days ago as that was very uncommon in that part of the park.

The reason they normally take the tree is to cool down and today was a stinky hot day so chances of seeing lions in the trees were high.

Arriving at Ishasha around midday we checked into our new lodge called Enjojo which we loved. The restaurant area was nice with a long almost meadow in front with a fish filled lake at the end, being watched over permanently by a resident Fish Eagle couple. To be honest I could just watch them all day swooping down over the lake and calling to each other with their very distinct call.

Our hut was down a long raised wooden platform and had it’s own private balcony with a view out into the forest.

Having thrown our stuff in our room we jumped in the jeep and headed off to find the lions in the trees. It didn’t take long ….

There were some young cubs in the tree too.

These were the African fish eagles who inhabited the tree at the end of the meadow at our lodge. I can think of worse things to come back as in my next life than a fish eagle. Just hanging out with the Mrs all day eating fish.

And this was a rather handsome Long-Crested Eagle we saw on the drive.

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